
Thursday, February 9, 2012

No Lost Ice in Past 10 Years

This next headline is going to disappoint those folks who are giddy about global Al Gore and half of America.

It turns out the glaciers and snow haven't been melting everywhere.

The world's greatest snow-capped peaks, which run in a chain from the Himalayas to Tian Shan on the border of China and Kyrgyzstan, have lost no ice over the last decade, new research shows.

The discovery has stunned scientists, who had believed that around 50bn tonnes of meltwater were being shed each year and not being replaced by new snowfall.

The study is the first to survey all the world's icecaps and glaciers and was made possible by the use of satellite data. Overall, the contribution of melting ice outside the two largest caps – Greenland and Antarctica – is much less than previously estimated, with the lack of ice loss in the Himalayas and the other high peaks of Asia responsible for most of the discrepancy.

But of course the scientists who have made a living telling us that global warming is going to kill everyone simply aren't going to matter how much UN MELTED SNOW they find.  Keep worrying people!!

"Our results and those of everyone else show we are losing a huge amount of water into the oceans every year," said Prof John Wahr of the University of Colorado. "People should be just as worried about the melting of the world's ice as they were before."


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