
Monday, March 12, 2012

Ashdod Under Attack 'Like Never Before"

This rockets continue coming from Gaza and falling in Israel.  Ashdod is a city in Southern Israel that is getting hit like never before.

Over the past three days, Gaza terrorists have launched over 150 attacks on southern Israel. The city of Ashdod has been targeted more often than it was even at the height of the Cast Lead campaign, residents say.

As the situation in southern Israel escalated and dozens of rockets were fired from Gaza, Arutz Sheva visited the city of Ashdod, one of many cities in the area hit by a barrage of rockets.

The citizens expressed their frustration at the ongoing situation and called on the government to do more for them.

“It’s been a very difficult week,” said Ronen Fahima, the of a sushi bar in Ashdod. The bar, which is usually busy, has been nearly empty during the escalation.

“It’s been a week in which people are suffering from anxiety in Ashdod and barely leave their homes,” said Fahima. “Our business has been hurt pretty badly. I hope that the government will compensate us for all the aggravation and what has been caused to our business.”


So could this be the start of something big?  Could this be the start of Psalm 83?  Could Jesus be returning for us any day now?  Are you excited by the thought of Jesus coming for us....or does it scare you to imagine everything we know passing away?  Do you have friends and family that you have never shared the Gospel with?  Have you been living a secret life of sin that you should rid yourself of?  Have you been enemies with your brother and never attempted to reconcile?  Have you cheated your partner and been living with the lie? 

It's time to clean's time to prepare ourselves, like a bride prepares for the coming of her groom even though she doesn't know the exact hour that he is coming.

Pretty exciting times.  Just imagine, Jesus put us on the earth to witness these amazing times.  What a blessing!  Just imagine if we are the generation that never sees death...but goes right from life and into the clouds and receive our glorified bodies in the air!!  How flippin' cool would that be??

And finally, lest I get too excited about Jesus coming....please remember to pray for Israel.  Pray for Netanyahu and all the leaders.  Pray for the Jews.

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