
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Syria Calls On World to Stop Israel

This next headline has to come from the "Unbelievable" file.

Syria has been butchering and raping about 8000 of it's own people in an attempt for Assad to remain in power...but they took time out of their busy day of rape and murder to condemn Israel for using violence to stop the rocket attacks coming out of Gaza.

No, I'm not kidding.

Syria’s foreign ministry condemned Israel for its military offensive against the Gaza Strip, calling for urgent international intervention against Israel.

In a statement issued Tuesday, the ministry lambasted Israel’s “vicious aggression” against Gaza, demanding that Israel remove its blockade of the strip. Syria is facing mounting international pressure over the past few days for its violent crackdown on civil protests across the country, culminating in an apparent massacre of women and children in Homs Monday.

The statement criticized “suspicious Arab initiatives” against Syria, which, it claimed, served to deflect international attention from Israel’s actions in Gaza. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are leading an Arab coalition, mostly of Gulf states, in support of bolder international action against Syria.

“Gaza, which is drowning in its blood for days, knows for certain that Damascus will continue to support it despite the Arab preoccupation with the conspiracy against Syria,” read the statement, published by the Syrian News Agency SANA.

We also need to remember that Syria needs to continue pointing fingers at Israel...because we are pretty sure that if Assad feels himself start to fall from power and KNOWS he may be facing a war crimes tribunal....he will attempt to destroy Israel during his fall.  In his brain he will believe that the Arab world will always remember him with fondness....being the man who destroyed Israel.

Of course the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has a different story line in place for Syria.

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