
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Booming Business of Doomsday

Of course anyone who has been reading this blog over the past 4 years knows that 2012 has been the focal point of MANY doomsday scenarios.  Mayan calendar, solar storms, 12th Imam, Mayitrea, Planet X returning, alignment of planets causing magnetic reversal on earth, massive earthquake on New Madrid wiping out our power grid, the list goes on and on.

Of course when you have that many folks thinking about the end of the world...the doomsday business has to be a growing part of the economy.

As the date the Mayans predicted the world will end nears, restless ‘Occupy’ hordes rise up and rogue regimes threaten the world with nuclear weapons, one thing is sure: The doomsday business is booming.

From the society’s wealthiest and most powerful class to rural off-the-grid types, people are preparing for the worst, and sparing no expense on elaborate underground shelters, buying years’ worth of non-perishable foods and stockpiling fuel and ammunition. Some have embraced the term “preppers,” although precisely what they are preparing for varies.

“We realized that we were totally unprepared should something happen,” said Jack Jobe, who was prompted to prep for a natural disaster after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Jobe, who will be featured on an upcoming episode of the NatGeo’s “Doomsday Preppers,” has invested about $3,000 in a safe room in the cellar of his family’s Colorado home. The basement bunker has reinforced steel doors, along with two 55-gallon drums of water, a four-month supply of food and a cache of guns and ammunition.

“Fleeing won’t be an option,” Jobe told “We are ready to survive in place.”

In addition to “Doomsday Preppers,” a Discovery show entitled “Doomsday Bunkers” also chronicles the growing trend of prepping for everything short of Armageddon. The popularity of these reality shows underscores the fascination with bunkers, freeze-dried food, guns, ammo and everything else people will need if and when society collapses.

Of course we are not supposed to be like the rest of the world getting all freaked out.  Proverbs does tell us that the prudent man sees danger and makes its not stupid to make sure you have some food, flashlights, water, etc...  That is just common sense.  What we are NOT supposed to do is move to Montana and dig a bunker while we wait for the world to collapse.

Jesus says we are supposed to occupy until he returns. I take that to mean that we are supposed to stay involved and working until he comes for us.  Of course we should be all about witnessing the Gospel to those around us through our actions and through our words.

In fact Paul tells us that we see all these things that we are watching for begin to happen, we should meet more frequently in our church and Bible study groups and encourage each other with the words of prophecy.

So friends, be prudent....but don't be crazy.  Keep your balance, because the Holy Spirit is all about balance and order...not about freaking out and chaos.

Hat tip to Annie L.

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