
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why Men Should Marry Only One Woman at a Time

Who was one of the most recognizable faces in the world?  Osama Bin Laden.  Who had all sorts of money and followers?  Osama Bin Laden.  Who spent the last weeks of his life hiding in a cramped compound while his three bickering wives went at each other and probably drove him crazy?  Yep, Osama Bin Laden.

Remember what Proverbs tells us;  "It is better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife."

Osama should have chucked out his Koran and swapped it for a Bible....then he would have known better.

Osama bin Laden spent his last days trapped inside a cramped compound with two feuding wives, as family members worried the older of the town women would betray the al Qaeda leader to authorities, according to a detailed account compiled by a retired Pakistani army officer.

Sabar, who had previously been under house arrest in Iran before being released in 2010, was also described in the account as a feisty woman who even frightened the Pakistani intelligence officials who interrogated her.

Sabar, a woman believed to be about seven years bin Laden's senior, appeared at the Abbottabad house in February or March 2011, just months before it was raided by U.S. Navy SEALs, and then moved into a room on the second floor, right below the room bin Laden shared with his youngest and favorite wife, Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah. The newcomer was soon at odds with Abdul Fattah and other members of the household.

"I have one final duty to perform for my husband," Sabar reportedly told Khalid; the son rushed to tell his father that she was going to betray him.

"She is so aggressive that she borders on being intimidating," one official told Qadir.

The three-story compound, which bin Laden shared with his three wives, eight of his children and five of his grandchildren, was demolished last month after Pakistani intelligence analysts expressed concerns that the building could becoming a shrine for al Qaeda supporters.


Yes men, it may sound like fun to have a few wives or even just a few concubines like Solomon....but it seems the women can't handle the jealousy of you spending time with someone else.  I mean look at Sarah and was Sarah's suggestion that Abraham sleep with her servant...and after the fact ONLY THEN DID SHE GET MAD. 

Look at the Jacob's sister-wives Rachel and Leah.  Not only did Jacob have these two wives but he got a maiden from each of them that he also could sleep with...named Zilpah and Bilhah...and you don't have to read between the lines too deep to see that the women were in competition over Jacob.

Yes friends...even if your state legalizes polygamy (which they will have to eventually if they have legalized gay marriage) take a lesson from Osama Bin in a house with 3 wives who don't like each other IS NOT FUN!!

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