
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Democrats Pressure Obama to Approve Gay Marriage

The gay marriage approvals seem to be flooding in on us.  There have been a few more states that have approved it in the past few weeks and now is being discussed by many others.

What the liberals really want now is for their hero, Obama, to come out and say that he now approves.

More Americans are embracing gay marriage, adding to calls from Democrats for President Barack Obama -- who has said he is not sure where he stands -- to publicly express his support before the November elections.

Obama opposes gay marriage, but for nearly the last 18 months has said his views are "evolving." Now he is under pressure to make support for gay marriage part of his party's election platform when he formally accepts the Democratic nomination in September.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, chairman of the Democratic National Convention, said last week that a gay-marriage plank should be part of the platform, echoing recent comments from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Gay-rights activists say they have been making the case to the White House that polls show Obama has little to lose politically if he endorses gay marriage.


Forty-nine percent of Americans now say they approve of gay marriage, up from 40 percent shortly after Obama took office in 2009.


49% now approve??  If those 49% are vocal and active, I'm guessing that is a big enough number to make the gay agenda flood the entire USA.  And of course if we see an increase from 40% to 49% over the course of just a few years....what happens if we give it a few more years?...Could we soon be at 70%-80% approval??

Of course we know what is going to happen to those of us who continue to claim that gay sex is perverse....we will become the small minority.  If that day comes, will we continue to speak things which please God or will we be more concerned about speaking to please men? 

What happens if they threaten our churches with the loss of the tax-free status if they refuse to marry gays or if they are caught reading Romans 1:27?  Will we be silenced if they take our church building?

"Awww Dennis...that ain't never gonna happen...this is America!  There is only roses, ice cream and apple pie in our glorious future as far as the eye can see!  Did you see the stock market is back up?"

I hope you are right...but I'm saying that the Word of God says you are wrong.

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