
Friday, March 16, 2012

Global Weirding Continues

Here in Minnesota we continue to bask in 75 degree weather...which is weird enough. 

Yesterday Michigan had a tornado...and yes, that is "rare'...

This storm formed in a Severe Thunderstorm Watch, but no one expected tornadoes to form out of it today. With less than 2% tornado chances across the entire country, this tornado being in Michigan and during March is a rare catch for any storm chaser.

Experts are saying the overall shear was not conductive for tornadoes, but their may be a reason as to why this formed.
"Overall the severe thunderstorm watch was fine for the event," said Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin. "I see nothing wrong with them not having a tornado watch up for this event. The atmosphere did not support tornado dynamics until just before the tornado dropped. Intersecting boundaries are what caused this supercell to produce and more will produce in Eastern Michigan."


I wonder if one possible other reason is that God is getting ready to do something REALLY big...and he wants us all to wake up and pay attention.

If you don't wake up, then I will come upon you like a thief.

PS...Just heard the weather man say that it has been 80 degrees for 3 days in a row in Chicago...and that has NEVER before happened in March.

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