
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gaza is Iran

We know that rockets have been flying out of Gaza into Israel.  We know that Israel has been responding by doing air strikes against Hamas militants in Gaza.  What we do not know is how far this violence may escalate.

So where do the Gazan's get their rockets?  Where do they get the money to buy them?

Iran is the primary actor responsible for escalations in the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Wednesday. "Gaza is Iran," the prime minister told a special Knesset session in which he was obligated to speak.

Connecting the recent round of violence in Gaza and the Iranian nuclear threat, Netanyahu said he is not prepared to accept a situation in which the country, which backs terrorist groups, becomes a nuclear power.

The prime minister went on to lay blame for Iran's influence in the Strip on the 2005 Gaza Disengagement Plan and those politicians who supported it. "You inserted Iran into Gaza," he told members of Knesset.

In general, and regarding the Iranian threat in particular, Netanyahu praised Israel's alliance with the United States but said Israel's ability and right to defend itself was even more important .

During his recent trip to Washington, during which he met with US President Barack Obama, Netanyahu paraphrased former prime minister Menachem Begin to explain why he emphasized and reiterated Israel's right to defend itself.

"Israel has never put its fate in the hands of others and that is my primary responsibility as prime minister," he said.


So let's reflect on these statements a little bit....if the leader of Israel just said that Gaza is Iran...and he has said they will attack Iran BEFORE they would allow her to have nuclear weapons....and Gaza has become a proxy of Iran....and Gaza is mentioned as a player in the Psalm 83 war...and Israel may soon go into Gaza...which would send a message to Iran....and Iran is a player in the Ezekiel 38 coalition....

It just makes us wonder if we are on the very edge of seeing the events of Psalm 83 play out?

Of course the stock market went up yesterday and the morning news was all a flutter with banks passing stress tests, jobs being added, auto makers gathering record profits, the Fed giving guarded positive comments, etc...  This also makes us wonder if Americans will start to forget about earthquakes, famines, floods, droughts, wars, Israel being isolated, coalitions building between Iran, Turkey and they start believing that a rising U.S. economy makes all the other signs disappear?

It's almost as if the more signs that God sends to wake us up....the more people become immune to them and fall into a deeper sleep.

"If you don't wake up I will come upon you like a thief."

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