
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rick Warren's Folly

Man-o-man!  More Rick Warren talk!  Let's review...first off an article comes out and says Rick Warren believes that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.  Then Rick Warren comes out and says that it isn't true and that he DOESN'T believe that but was misquoted.  We posted Rick's clarification yesterday.

Now today, we have a Rick Warren watcher who says, "Not so fast cowboy!"

See, trouble is back in 2007, Mr. Warren was one of several other Christian leaders who endorsed a document called, A Common Word Between Us and You at the Yale Divinity School, which says within the first few lines that “many Christians have been guilty of sinning against our Muslim neighbors. Before we ‘shake your hand’ in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.”

The title, All-Merciful One is what most Muslims call the Islamic god, Allah. Although Christians know that Jehovah is also all merciful, we don’t refer to Him the same way. As much as Mr. Warren desires to distance himself from this controversy, this isn’t the first time this issue has come up. Let’s look back at the shocking prayer he gave at President Obama’s inauguration. He ended his invocation by stating that he was “praying to the one who changed my life, Yeshua, Isa, Jesus, Jesus (Hispanic pronunciation) who taught…”
Whoa, back up there cowboy…”Isa”??? Who the heck is Isa? Oh, he must have meant the Islamic pronunciation of the historical Jesus. But now I’m confused…he denies ever implying that the Son of God we Christians worship, Jesus Christ, is the same as the Muslim’s Isa. And he couldn’t have been talking about the Christian Arab’s Jesus because they pronounce His name, Yasu. So if that’s the case, who was he praying to at the inauguration??


Of course Donna is right on this...Isa IS NOT JESUS.  So who are you praying to if you open up a prayer with your Muslim neighbor and say, "Dear God, Allah, Merciful One, Isa, Jesus,...we thank you for this food...."

Hat tip to Jared F.

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