
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

U.S. Warns Iran, Quit or Be Attacked

It's an election year and now Obama seems to have sent a message to Iran via the Russians, "Quit cooking a nuclear weapon or you will be attacked before the end of the year."

I wonder if this tough talk has anything to do with the fact that Obama needs the Jewish vote to win 4 more years?

The United States asked Russia to send Iran a message that the upcoming round of nuclear talks is its last chance to avoid a military confrontation this year, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported Wednesday according to a diplomatic source.

The unusually stark warning by the US was passed on by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, after the two met in New York on Monday, the diplomatic source told the Russian newspaper.

The source said pressure from Jerusalem on Washington was forcing the latter to support a military option within the year in order to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb.

"The invasion will happen before the year's end," the source told Kommersant. "The Israelis are, in effect, blackmailing Obama: either he supports the war, or he risks losing the support [of the Jewish lobby]" the year of US presidential elections.


We always figured that 2012 was going to be a really interesting year.  Lighting up Iran will no doubt add to the interesting events that have already happened.

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