
Monday, March 19, 2012

Holy Treason! simply must watch this video of Senator Sessions asking questions of Secratary of Defense Leon Panetta and also General Dempsey.

Sessions asks them simple questions about who the military answers to...and both of them keep claiming that they need to find legal approval for any military action.  Sessions keeps asking, "Who are you looking to for legal permission?" 

Panetta keeps saying that they would look to the United Nations or NATO (like they did in Libya) for some legal foundation for using the United States military.  WHAT???????

When Sessions isn't satisfied with that, Panetta then goes on to say they would be looking for some sort of approval for some "international coalition".  WHAT???????

Watch it here;

Friends, I hate to say it...but something is seriously afoul in the good ol' US of A. 

Are the leaders of our our military supposed to answer to the U.S. Congress?  Yes!!! 

Are they less concerned about what Congress says than they are about what their "international friends" are saying?

"Whose legal authority are you seeking?", asks Sessions.


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