
Monday, March 19, 2012

Obama Birth Certificate Drama Will Not Die

Not sure if you are aware of it, but Sheriff Joe Arpio from Arizona and his "Cold-Case-Posse" are coming out and saying that their investigation is finding out that Obama's birth certificate was manufactured...also meaning it is FAKE!!

Why won't this story die?  What if it is true and Obama IS NOT legal to be president because he was born in Kenya?

Watch news report here;

Can you say the word, "Chaos"?  Because that is what's going to happen if someone can prove that Obama has lied and someone within the Obama Machine used a really good computer program to manufacture his certificate.

The storyline is going something like this;  Obama was born in Kenya and his mom flew to Hawaii within a few days and got a hold of someone she knew at the hospital to just fill in the certificate saying that Baby O...was born in Hawaii.  However, the certificate that the White House produced is a computer forgery...because there was something fishy about the Hawaii birth they paid someone to forge a really good one.

Got it?

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