
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

U.S. Tax Dollars to Fix Foreign Mosques

This next story is a tad would appear we have shelled out a whole bunch of $millions of dollars to fix a bunch of mosques in Egypt!  Now remember, these same mosques are used as platforms for fiery Imams to preach that the USA is the "great Satan" and that it must be Islam can rule the world.

Watch report here;

We say we give them the money in hopes that we can build relationships and that they will like us.

They take our money, laughing all the way to the bank and believe that this is a sign of weakness...and that Allah is rising and getting ready to take the world by storm.

Oh and hey....where did we get the $700 million to fix these mosques again?....oh yeah...we put it on another credit card.

What is the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over and each time expecting a different result.

Friends, it's official....the USA is insane.

Hat tip to Majel H.

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