
Monday, March 26, 2012

Israel Breaks Ties with UN Human Rights Council

The Bible tells us Israel will grow more and more isolated as the age of grace draws to a close.

Ultimately she won't have any friends or allies among the nations of the earth.  One day Russia, Turkey, Iran and some other Muslim states will gather their armies to take the wealth Israel has, but it won't go well for them as the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob will stand and fight for He did in the ancient days.

This will be a huge turning point in the national identity of Israel and the mostly secular society currently living there will start to claim God as their God.

So today's headline is simply one more way that Israel is withdrawing from the rest of the world...and thereby being isolated.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said the council "should be ashamed of itself" after its member states voted by 36 to one to appoint a mission to assess the impact of settlements on the Palestinian population. Only the United States voted against the resolution.

Although Israel is not a member of the council, officials in Jerusalem said that the country's ambassador to the body had been instructed not to answer the telephone if any of its officials rang. He has also been told not to attend any of its meetings.

Underlining the scale of its anger, Mr Netanyahu's government pledged not to cooperate with the mission and said its members would be denied permission to enter Israel or the West Bank.

The UN council has faced a torrent of criticism in recent weeks, with Russia and the Syrian government also accusing it of bias for resolutions condemning the Assad regime of human rights abuses in Syria.
Israel's criticisms go further, with officials in Mr Netanyahu's government saying that it has passed more than 30 resolutions aimed at the Jewish state in recent years.


It is almost laughable were it not so tragic,  that while Syria is butchering thousands, Iraq has chased out hundreds of thousands of Christians, Gaza militants have launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, and Egypt has just declared Israel as it's #1 enemy....and yet the UN Council decides to look into the "atrocities" of the Jews building houses in that is their land.

How many of you have the feeling of excitement as you watch all these headlines unfold? 

6 “I will strengthen Judah
and save the tribes of Joseph.
I will restore them
because I have compassion on them.
They will be as though
I had not rejected them,
for I am the LORD their God
and I will answer them.
  Zechariah 10:6

Our God is an awesome God!

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