
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Obama Overheard

If Obama wins the election this fall, many believe that he will be more free to reveal who he really is, meaning he could take off his mask. 

For instance, right now he knows he needs the Jewish vote to win so he tries to play nice with Israel...but after the election he may be more willing to throw Israel under the bus.

So what other things may Obama be planning to reveal after he is re elected that he doesn't want us to know about now?

SEOUL—President Barack Obama was overheard confiding to Russia's president that he would have to await his re-election before addressing the divisive issue of global missile defense, an unscripted moment that touched off a political backlash at home.

Mr. Obama told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he can't resolve the issue before the November election, but that afterward, he would have more "flexibility." The comments were picked up by a live microphone.

Republicans seized on the exchange to suggest that Mr. Obama may talk tough during the campaign but then cave to Moscow once re-elected. They also questioned what else Mr. Obama has in store for a second term that he doesn't want to disclose now.

Mr. Obama is heard telling his counterpart that he needs time to resolve issues including U.S. plans for a missile defense system in Europe.

"This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility," Mr. Obama, in an implicit bit of confidence that he will win a second term.

Mr. Medvedev, who is about to turn the Russian presidency over to Vladimir Putin, replied: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir and I stand with you."


Holy deal maker!  Obama is passing a message to Gog of Magog! (aka Putin)  This simply can't be good for America in regards to the eternal promise made to Israel, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

Yes, I know....we can't know for sure that Putin is Gog...but he certainly fits the description...and even the folks at Rapture Ready agree; 

I have long suspected that Vladimir Putin might be the Gog leader of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Putin's choice of Middle East friends has put him on a collision course with the state of Israel. I can just imagine Putin’s reaction if the nuclear reactor his nation just built for Iran were suddenly destroyed by an Israeli air raid. Of course, students of Bible prophecy know that the city of Damascus has a dire fate. Putin would certain fly into fit a rage if his buddy Assad suddenly vanished in a fireball, along with several of his elite military forces.

“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” (Isaiah 17:1).

Putin obviously doesn't realize the danger he faces by becoming involved with Israel's Arab foes. The sons of Ishmael are driven by a demonic sibling rivalry and will stop at nothing to kill the children of Isaac. Since the actions of the Arabs reflect back on Putin, he has obligated himself to follow their lead.

There is nothing innocent about Putin's intentions. He is a very vain man, and I'm sure he has already considered the thought, "If I destroy Israel, the Arabs will praise me as the greatest leader of all time." The Word of God says that Gog will have a far different role. His purpose is to sanctify the Lord's name among the nations -- by having his army obliterated.


Friends, I hope you are ready for the world to be turned upside down...because all the players who have the potential to turn it have now been gathered on stage....including our own President Obama.

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