
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Strange Noises in Wisconsin

Last night on NBC Nightly News they had a story about some huge booming sounds that are disturbing hundreds of folks in Clintonville, WI.  As of now they are unexplainable...but they are loud enough to cause physical damage to homes.  One man said he was awakened by what he said sounded like a wrecking ball slamming into the side of his home.

Hundreds of people are reporting the same thing happening to their homes...all in the same town.

Also watch at the beginning of the video clip that they spend a few seconds on a church sign board...see if you can catch what it says.

>>i thought a car was coming through my house, it was that loud.

>>for three nights running, residents have been shaken and awaken. all these dots represent 365 residences reporting booms.

>>we have some weird banging going on and our whole house is shaking.

We have no idea what it is.  Maybe WI is about to have a huge earthquake?  Maybe it is a supernatural event?  Maybe God continues to shake the planet in an attempt to wake up humans on earth that Jesus is soon coming?

1 comment:

  1. Clintonville, Wisconsin Earthquake: Booms May Be Linked To Minor Quakes
