
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tennessee is an Anti Evolution State

Take a few minutes and watch this video and read the article about how Tennessee has passed a law that says teachers can't be fired if they teach other theories besides evolution.  Of course they are being ridiculed for being so stupid...and the video really slants a bias toward anyone who believes in God... must be anti-science...and thus an idiot.

Monday evening, a new bill (SB 893) was approved by the Tennessee Senate that will protect teachers who wish to promote "alternate" scientific theories, essentially allowing anti-evolutionists and climate change deniers a voice in the science classroom. A similar version of the bill (HB 368) passed in the House about a year ago. Advocates of the bill claim that it improves academic freedom, while its critics see it as an open door to the promotion of pseudoscience and religious doctrine within the public school system.


Friends, can all domestic dogs have their original roots in the grey wolf?  YES!!!  That can be proven!!  So go ahead and teach it...but that is NOT evolution.  It is simply man-made selection where man has disrupted natural breeding and selection and CHOSEN specific traits are desirable to man.

But there is NO EVIDENCE at all that dogs left to breed over eons will one day have a cat.  Or that elephants left to breed over eons will one day have a giraffe. Those are species jumps and have no evidence what so ever of being a fact.

To suggest that one day a long time ago a bolt of lightning struck pond scum and sparked a single cell that kept dividing into all the thousands of species we have today is SO ridiculous!  You have to have WAY MORE faith to believe that than you do in intelligent design.

So when this argument comes up at your family reunion, make sure you clarify that you don't want Jesus taught in the public schools anymore than you want Muhammad taught there...but you DO want evolution to be taught as the theory that it is...and if you are going to teach one theory then the teachers should be allowed to say, "Life is so complex on planet earth that thousands of scientists have come to the conclusion that some greater power was responsible for creating it.  What that power is, or whom it may be, you will need to discuss with your parents and your church."

Why is that so hard for the evolutionists to understand?

You can file this article under "Persecution of Bible believers is coming."

Hat tip to April S.

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