
Monday, April 23, 2012

53.6% of Graduates Can't get Jobs

We have posted in the past about unrest happening in Greece.  We have also wondered aloud how it may look for the millions of college grads in America who owe $1 trillion in student loans and who are now behind in their payments because they can't find a job.

Just how bad is it out there for young college graduates? Bad. Really bad. In a report from the Associated Press' Hope Yen, we get a hard, shocking number to frame the debate: "About 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent, of bachelor's degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or underemployed."

That portion of our nation's young people without good jobs is saddening -- this young blogger counts his blessings -- but at this point, it's hardly surprising. By now we've heard about the cruel economic fate befalling the pucky young graduates of today. The recession has eliminated a lot of mid-level jobs that aren't coming back because of technology (think bank tellers); kids are getting degrees in fields that aren't hiring (think English); and even the few jobs young'uns are able grab don't require a bachelors degree or the massive debt that can come with it (think barista).


So what happens when millions of 20-somethings are forced to live at home paying all their pizza delivery wages to a college who gave them an English major?  Lot's of stuff happens...and none of it is good for society.

Just remember that the media is on a kick to tell us how everything in society is coming along nicely.  They want (need) to get Obama re elected so will continue to put him in a positive light.  But all the makings for societal unrest, right here in America, continue to build.  Generation will fight against generation and race will fight against race while nation fights against nation.

I'm sure glad Jesus is coming...or all this poor news would be a real downer!!

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