
Monday, April 23, 2012

Strange Signs in the Sky

Sounds like a lot of folks in The West saw something really strange flying across the sky and it was accompanied by a really loud 'boom'.

Switchboards lit up on Sunday morning as people heard and felt something similar to a sonic boom. Agencies are confirming a possible meteor strike. Residents surrounding Lake Tahoe, California, Nevada, and Oregon reported seeing a bright meteor streaking across the sky just before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Some describe it as being so close to them, a blinding light.

"I was outside jogging and I saw what looked like a bright white light, almost like a nuclear bomb," said Kathy of Tulare, California. "It was as bright as the Sun. Afterwards there was a huge boom and shaking as I lost it behind the mountains."

Residents are also reporting of a physical impact and authorities are on the way to track down a possible meteor strike in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

"This is amazing," said Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin. "If this left a physical impact then you are looking at a once in a possible lifetime event in this area. Thankfully if it did hit the ground it was in the rural mountain zones and not over a major city."


Holy meteor impact!!  How many "once in a lifetime events" does this generation need to witness before we finally realize that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is getting ready to do something REALLY big?

Of course we know the answer....God could send someone back from the dead to warn everyone (story of Lazarus in Gospel of Luke) about the realities of hell and people still wouldn't listen.  So while all of these political, geological and extra terrerstial happenings are really exciting to watch for those of us whom the Lord has opened their is simply sending those who are perishing further into a deep sleep.

We need to stay busy about the Lord's work friends.  The harvest is at hand.

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