
Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Trial

While most of us were eating ham and cheesy potatoes after a wonderful Easter church service...some of our brothers and sisters in Iran were going to trial for worshiping Jesus.

Twelve Christians stood trial Easter Sunday in Iran, where they were called “apostates” in a courtroom and tried on multiple charges, according to sources close to Iran’s Christian community.

The Christians had been acquitted on the same charges, including “crimes against the order,” a year ago in Bandar Anzali, a city on the Caspian Sea. The group was first arrested when authorities found them drinking wine while taking communion, according to sources.

Though the Iranian constitution grants protection to religious minorities born into religions, such as Christians, Zoroastrians and Jews, over the last year and a half individuals in these minority communities have reported increased pressure and clashes with government officials and Revolutionary Guards as their influence continues to mount throughout the country.

But converting, or more specifically, the act of turning from Islam, can be punishable by death. To leave the Islamic faith or to attempt to convert others away from the faith warrants capital punishment under Shariah Law.

Read more:

Friends, we need to have our eyes wide open about the persecution of our brother and sisters taking place all over the world.  Further, we need to be asking the Holy Spirit how we can be helping these folks.  Of course we can all pray...but maybe there is a lot more we could be doing?

Hat tip to Tom F.

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