
Friday, April 13, 2012

Global Warming Rebellion

It would appear that the science of man-made-global warming is NOT settled. 

Fifty top astronauts, scientists and engineers at NASA have signed a letter asking the agency to cease its global warming buffoonery. The global warming emperor has no clothes, and people are finally saying so out loud and in public.

"We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) refrain from including unproven remarks in public releases and websites. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated, especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data. With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled."


Of course I don't know why the earth gets warmer and colder over the eons.  But I do know that Minnesota was covered by a glacier some thousands of years I'm kind of glad it did get warm enough to melt that glacier. 

And of course many of us believe that all the strange weather, earthquakes, solar storms, etc... points to something else besides man-made-carbon-pollution heating the world.

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