
Friday, April 13, 2012

Global Money Trickery

About 4 years ago I read a book by Wilfred Hahn called THE END TIMES MONEY TRAP.  I was impressed enough with the book that I called him at his office in Canada and we had a few nice chats about the state of the financial world.

Yesterday he had an article published on Rapture Ready and it would appear that he and I are still VERY MUCH on the same page.

As you read this article notice that you get the feeling that he also believes that we are past the point of no return....meaning that this financial system IS going to come apart.

A major secular “worldwide” turning point has been playing out across the world, having begun sometime in the 1980 to 1990 period, then progressing and cumulating to the breaking point in 2008-2009. There were numerous actors and influences that played a role; however, it is important to remain clear-eyed about these developments, to view them as a whole, and to understand their potential impact. They are momentous. You must understand that we are living in truly unprecedented times, with the scale and scope of developments so large, few can grasp their import.

At present, we continue to remain within the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and it is not yet 100% certain how the ultimate scenarios will unfold from here. There are, however, really only two main ultimate scenarios: 1. High indebtedness becoming inflated away versus income levels; or 2. rolling debt defaults, deflation and slumping economies.

The fact that cannot be denied is that for the advanced nations as a whole, the tipping point of unsustainably high indebtedness arrived in 2008-2009. It signalled the end of the post-WWII period of economic and financial prosperity. A completely new phase has emerged which is far from having run its full course. Analysts will be misled should they continue to process data through the blinkers of post-WWII averages trends and developments. We have pointed out numerous times in our reports that virtually all of the underlying causal factors of the halcyon post-WWII economic boom period have halted or reversed.

Given the general depressants of over-indebtedness, uncompetitiveness, aging populations, and still-sinking residential real estate prices in many countries around the world, the best outcomes one can hope for are periodic rallies of economic growth and flashes of consumer confidence. That indeed qualifies as a mark of this era. The financial and economic outlook, both domestic and global, remains tentative and dependent upon the confidence-boosting measures of governments, monetary authorities and transnational agencies. It is a sad state of affairs when manipulations of “confidence” … in other words, confidence games … are the main hope.

There's that word again...."confidence".  The Money Makers from around the world are desperately trying to make people believe that the paper system still has wings to fly...and they know it will fall to the ground like a brick if that confidence ever falters.

Remember that ALL PENSION PLANS and SOCIAL PROGRAMS collapsed and went to zero following the collapse of Post WWI Germany.  If it happened WILL happen again.  We just don't know when.

So keep building on the Rock because everything else is sinking sand.

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