
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Egypt Heading to Disaster

Well, it certainly appears that the doomsayers who predicted catastrophe for Egypt are going to be right.  Of course we all HOPED than when Mubarak got ousted that some 21st century moderates were going to get hold of the reigns and change Egyptian life for the better.

But we must remember, these folks are Muslims...and fundamentalist Islam leaves a trail of despair where ever it rules.

Now we have had the elections and we already know that 75% of the vote went to elect the Muslim Brotherhood and a party called the Salafists, who are even worse than the Brotherhood.

And here is what the dude is saying who wants to run Egypt via the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Everywhere, the Brothers are working to restore Islam in its all-encompassing conception to the lives of people,” Shater says in the address. “Thus the mission is clear: restoring Islam in its all-encompassing conception, subjugating people to God, instituting the religion of God, the Islamicization of life, empowering of God’s religion, establishing the renaissance of the ummah [worldwide Muslim nation] on the basis of Islam... Every aspect of life is to be Islamicized.

“We call upon God Almighty (allah) to make this transformation the beginning of a new renaissance for the ummah and the shaking off of the state of backwardness from which it has suffered for decades,” Shater says in the clip. “As Muslim Brothers, it is imperative that we, as well as the entirety of the ummah, God willing, take advantage of this revolution which took place in Egypt and continues in the countries surrounding us.”

Here;'s true.  The people who run Islam most definitely want to subjugate the entire world for the glory of Allah.  They will not rest until every person worships Allah, or at least bows to him.

But here in The West we have become such pluralists that we simply can not understand the Islamic worldview.  We tend to believe that everyone thinks like us...and so we get this errant idea that "Islam is a religion of peace".  We have this idea that the reason they don't like us is because WE treated them poorly.  You will even hear some liberals whisper that the reason for 9/11 is because we have done so much bad to the Arabs for so many years...that we kind of had it coming.

That's hogwash.

Let's be clear...Islam will ONLY be at peace when the entire world is Islamic.  And that's a fact.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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