
Thursday, April 26, 2012

How Much Longer Will America Stand?

Americans are having their freedoms at a time, but most of us don't even realize it.

The same thing has happened many times before throughout world history and these things all seem to start with catastrophes.

For us, it was 9/11 and we all needed to feel we allowed government to pry into our lives and search our naked bodies at every airport...never mind that 20 times more people die every year from drunken driving than died in 9/11...we now have to search every 7 year old white girl from Iowa.

In 2008 we had a financial crisis that almost collapsed Western we have allowed government into more areas in an attempt to keep us "safe" from all the swindlers out there.

So what will the next catastrophe be that allows the government to declare martial law, or seize all of our gold, or nationalize the companies that they already own a large amount of stock in due to the bailouts?  A financial meltdown that leads to epic unrest?

Check out what Martin Armstrong (former top analyst at Goldman Sachs) has to say about our looming financial crisis and how much longer it may be before the government starts taking our AND freedom.

I was speaking with some people on Capitol Hill who are becoming alarmed at what is starting to appear to be a hidden oligarchy behind eliminating all constitutional rights and converting the United States into the new East Germany. The authority to indefinitely detain American citizens without any trial, lawyers, charges, or anything as they did to me until the Supreme Court told the government to respond, passed with flying colors. Obama said of he would never use it against Americans. Then why sign it?

Several states are now taking matters into their own hands. Virginia has become the first state in the nation to officially nullify the un-Constitutional NDAA legislation allowing indefinite detention without due process, and Arizona’s House has now passed similar legislation. This is the seeds of breaking up the United States.

The question becomes who is doing this? The facility in Utah that is to vacuum up all emails and communications is of course just looking for those 19 guys and a camel. England has announced it also intends to monitor all emails going in and out of the country.

This agenda is all about money! They know they are going broke. The sad part is they actually think that if they can confiscate enough wealth to pay the bankers, somehow they can retain power. It does not matter how much they confiscate, they will always need more than they collect.

There is an agenda here and I am one that disagrees with 99% of the conspiracy theories because they usually attribute way too much knowledge to people that are only concerned about right here and now. Goldman Sachs does not sit back and plan 25 years ahead. It is the bottom line right now that matters.

There is so much more going in behind the curtain it is really getting bad. We are headed into a storm cloud of such a Crisis in Democracy that starts 2015.75 that I fear the future for my own posterity. Thank God I will not have to see what is left of the world 30 years from now.

Read entire paper here;

Of course this ENTIRE STORY is being spun by Satan and it is going to end with the Antichrist issuing death orders on anyone who refuses to take HIS mark.

Thank you Jesus that we know the REST OF THE STORY and that you have overcome Satan and you have overcome the world.

How much longer will we be in our cozy little American lives?

Hat tip to Wilson R.

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