
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Government to Know Your Every Move

I live in Wright County, Minnesota.  Last week I got my packet of information to be a test subject for a new MN transportation funding idea.  You see, for years the current system of paying for roads and bridges is done through a gasoline tax...meaning you pay about $.26 of tax built in to every gallon of gas that you buy.

Now here is what my letter from MNDOT said;

"MNDOT is conducting this research to learn more about new revenue sources to help build and repair roads in Minnesota.  Ten to twenty years from now, the number of fuel efficient and hybrid cars is likely to increase, and the gas tax may no longer produce enough revenue to support our roads."

So I will now drive my car to the local MNDOT office and they are going to fit it with a GPS monitor that tracks my car everywhere that it goes.  At the end of the month the GPS will add up all the miles I traveled on county roads, state roads, federal roads and out of state roads and send me a bill.  I will have the option of having the bill be paid automatically by signing up for them to take the money DIRECTLY from my checkbook. (see the cashless society coming too?)

So yes, I am a guinea pig of things to come.

Do you understand what is happening here folks?  The government is soon going to require a "MARK" on every vehicle and you will need that mark to be part of THE SYSTEM in order to drive anywhere.  Of course they will know exactly where you have been....and it will soon be impossible to buy or sell ANYTHING (if you plan on using your car) without having that MARK on your car. (for now it is a GPS box)

Now check out this headline from today;  Mandatory ‘Big Brother’ Black Boxes In All New Cars From 2015

A bill already passed by the Senate and set to be rubber stamped by the House would make it mandatory for all new cars in the United States to be fitted with black box data recorders from 2015 onwards.


Now understand that it is just a teeny-tiny jump to go from every one's car being required to have a mark to be part of the having every human being having a mark in order to be part of the system.  Of course all followers of Christ will NOT BE HERE DURING THE TIME OF THE MARK....but doesn't this news make you really wonder how close we must be to hearing the final trumpet and the voice telling us to "Come up here!"?

Friends, we have a lot of work to do.  I still have lots of my friends and family who don't know the Lord.  We need to be telling everyone that calamity is coming and to grab onto The Rock if they hope to be saved.  Will they laugh at us?  Probably.  Are we ashamed of the Gospel?  NEVER!

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