
Thursday, April 19, 2012

If Sex Won't Sell....Try Satan

We all kind of know how this works...first you show some cleavage, and when that doesn't shock anyone you show some girls in a thong, and when that isn't cutting edge enough you show people copulating on a music video...and when SEX doesn't sell anymore you pull out all the stops and use Satanic themes to sell your stuff.  NICE!!  Certainly more evidence we ARE in the Last Days.  Do you really think Satan is going to go back in the bag once he has been introduced by all the most famous pop acts??

It’s an age-old saying in Hollywood that sex sells, but with consumers finding themselves oversaturated with sexual imagery, today’s top acts are turning to something even more sinful to get our attention: Satan.

Performer Nicki Minaj’s “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded” is getting a lot of buzz this month, due in large part to her infamous Grammy performance earlier this year, where she acted out scenes from an exorcism onstage. While critics, particularly religious groups, blasted the imagery in that performance as ill-timed and awkward, there is no denying that Minaj garnered the attention she was looking for with her antics.

"Like sex, provocative subject matters and whatever is perceived to be forbidden intrigues the human psyche,” explains Kelly Brady, a partner in Brandsway Creative, a marketing and public relations company. “Nicki Minaj's performance, although criticized, created an intrigue and it kept her fans wanting to know what's next.”Read more:

"...kept her fans wanting to know what's next."  You want to know what's next?  It will just get darker and darker.  The themes will get more shocking as blood drinking and/or animal/human sacrifices will be acted out on stage.  Temple prostitution will then be acted out on stage where they will show women having sex with devils, vampires or other strange flesh.

Of course this is all just a prep so that when the Antichrist, the beast and the false prophet all show up and they call down fire from the sky...people will fall right in line to follow him.  Why not?  They already saw it all at the Super Bowl halftime show.

Lord, forgive us.  God, have mercy.

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