
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More UFO Talk...BIG Deception Coming?

I have had some friends tell me, "Dennis, you are either ON something...or you are ONTO something."  They tell me this because of some of my observations about UFO's, "aliens", crop circles, cattle mutilations, and alien abductions, that I have had over the past years

Just so you all know, there are LOTS of prophecy watchers who are on the exact same page as I am...including Chuck Missler...when it comes to "aliens" and UFO's.

Today we find one more.

Most people believe we humans are separated from the realm we refer to as Heaven (the domain of the angels and of God) by some huge span of space, possibly even millions or billions of miles. But dimensions are not separated by miles or even feet, but only by humanity’s lack of ability to see.

Dimensional trekking has always been part of the makeup of angels as they’re sent by God to bring messages to mankind. However, the appearing and disappearing of angels has not been solely limited to God’s holy angelic forces but has actually been a supernatural highway of late, traveled incessantly by malevolent supernatural beings bent on the destruction of mankind. This is more evident now that we are in the last days just prior to our Lords return.

These interdimensional activities are increasing as never before. The UFO activity is astounding. Even if you believe they represent travelers from distant galaxies or parallel universes you must admit the sightings are becoming an everyday event. Why? Why do we see this phenomenon increasing so dramatically? What has happened to mankind’s way of thinking that would favor this increased activity into our dimension? It’s a fact that the super majority of the earth’s inhabitants now believe UFO’s are real. With that premise in mind, could it be that mankind is being setup for the next incursion by fallen angels?

Now that most believe in UFO’s, and most of those folks believe they are extraterrestrial travelers, the enemy’s next big deception is ready to be unveiled. What that deception is, is only known to him but it has been building to a crescendo for thousands of years. It is a lie that the enemy will focus the world’s attention on just as soon as Christ removes His “ekklesia.

The supernatural realm is extremely active in these last days. There is no doubt that they know something most of earth’s population hasn’t a clue of. As followers of Jesus Christ we do know what’s coming and we would be remiss as true believers and bondservants of Jesus the Christ to simply sit idly by watching while the signs of the birth pangs spoken of by our Lord increase. There must be a sense of conviction on the heart of every believer in Christ—a conviction that we might not have done everything we could for God, and that time is running out.


Crazy stuff friends!  As it was in the days of Noah when Nephilim were running all over the world...those also would have been crazy times.  When Jesus says, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man."....could He be hinting that there could be "strange flesh" running around on planet earth again?...flesh that the humans left on earth actually believe are "aliens" from another planet....when in reality they are Satanic beings and/or demons in disguise?

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times (Last Days) some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons."  1 Timothy 4:1

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