
Monday, May 28, 2012

Cannibal Attacks in Miami

You have to read this news report coming out of Miami.

MIAMI, May 28 (Reuters) - A Miami man on Monday described
how he watched in horror after spotting a naked man gnawing away

at the face and neck of another man in a ghoulish attack on a
highway ramp in downtown Miami.

"He was ripping into his face with his teeth," Larry Vega
said of the attacker.

"He was ripping his skin, his neck. He had him held down.
The guy couldn't move really, and he was just tearing into his
flesh," Vega told WSVN TV in Miami about Saturday's attack.

Vega flagged down a police officer, who shot and killed the
assailant after he failed to respond to repeated orders to stop
and back away.

"The guy just stood his head up like that, with a piece of
flesh in his mouth, and growled," Vega said.


Holy Zombie attack!!  As the days grow more evil, Satan will be getting hold of all sorts of people and planting inhuman thoughts into their minds. 

Honestly....have you EVER heard of such a thing??  The dude GROWLED at the police officer as he had a piece of human flesh hanging from his mouth.

Lord, deliver us from evil.

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