
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nations Expel Syrian Diplomats

There was another massacre in Syria over the last few days.  This one was exceedingly nasty as it is being reported that Syrian soldiers walked into homes and shot women and children at very close range.  Of the hundred plus civilians killed it appears that half of them were children.

This appears to be the last straw for many Western Nations...and they are breaking ties with the Syrian government.  Of course Russia and China still can't figure out what the problem is with killing families who disagree with them...and Russia keeps shipping the Syrian army bullets and battle gear.

But for the civilized nations...this was the last straw.

PARIS (AP) — Governments around the world expelled Syrian ambassadors and diplomats Tuesday, an unusual, coordinated blow to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime following a gruesome massacre that the United Nations said involved close-range shootings of scores of children and parents in their homes.

The United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands took action Tuesday against Syrian diplomats. Britain's foreign secretary said the countries involved in Tuesday's expulsions would also push for tougher sanctions against Syria.

A U.N. report Tuesday said 49 children and 34 women were among the 108 people who died, but it did not decisively say who carried out most of the killings.

"This is the most effective way we've got of sending a message of revulsion of what has happened in Syria," Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr said in Canberra. In a statement, he called the Houla killings a "hideous and brutal crime" and said Australia would not engage with the Syrian government unless it abides by a U.N. cease-fire plan.

"We have to continue our work with the Russians," British Foreign Secretary William Hague said. "We will continue to discuss this with Russia. Russia has particular leverage on the regime and therefore has a particular role in this crisis."

Hague said that the situation in Syria is more complicated than what international powers faced in Libya last year, when the United Nations approved intervention against dictator Moammar Gadhafi's regime.


Well of course Syria is more complicated than Libya.  Why?  Because Syria has 100,000 rockets that could be armed with chemical warheads and launched into Israel if it feels threatened.  

By now, President Assad has to know that if he goes down he will be brought on trial for war crimes.  Either that or his people will drag him out of his hiding spot and hang him or shoot him in the Saddam and Gaddafi.  He is now going to be fighting for his life and he knows that he has lost face in front of all the Western powers who will probably never deal with him again.

Can you see how this is shaping up for a major confrontation with Israel?  Can you see how Israel may destroy Damascus overnight when Damascus starts launching a barrage of missiles into Tel Aviv?  (Isaiah 17 about to be fulfilled?)

As we have said in the past, "Please stay seated with your seat belt fastened until the roller coaster comes to a complete stop."


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Did you see the tag line on fox news that just popped up? Sen. Graham calls for Syria no-fly zone, after US expels top diplomat

    The no fly zone in Libya flew over 25,000 missions. Thousands of people on the ground were on the receiving end of the bombs dropped while enforcing the no fly zone.

    Operation odyssey dawn kickoff shot over 190 Tomahawk missiles. At over a million a pop you do the math. They had to hit the anti aircraft sites that were too dangerous to send aircraft against.

    Just a thought. Syria has Russian front line anti aircraft missiles and radars SA-22s with hardened command and control. They also have mig 29s.

    Kids, get the popcorn, time to watch the show.



  2. One last one from a Shia news outlet. titled

    Israel is a crime against humanity

    Wow... talk about calling good evil, and evil good.


