
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Men Crumble With Porn and Video Games

Satan has a pattern when he is leading us to destruction.  He offers us something that seems pretty harmless and gives the first time user just a tiny stimulation.  Once you start coming back for a little more stimulation...he draws you in as he lets you eat the bait.  And before we know it, he sets the hook and starts dragging us to a place that leads to destruction.

Think of video games.  I remember back in 1971 when my buddy got the first TV game called PONG.  It was two light paddles and a bouncing light ball that when back and forth between the light paddles going.  The longer that ball stayed in play, the faster it sped up.  I have to say it wasn't very addicting and seemed to be pretty mundane.  But of course this is the game that started it all.  And now the games are SO COMPLEX and SO REALISTIC that it has hooked MILLIONS of males...of all ages.  Many times, these "gamers" would rather sit in a dark basement playing CALL OF DUTY instead of being out doing something and interacting with real people, making real relationships and doing real things.

Think of being a 10 year old it easier to learn to play football on your Nintendo than it is to learn to play football in real life?  With the Nintendo version you can play football while drinking a Coke and eating a bag of chips.  (enter the next Satanic explosion....the obesity trap)

Now let's look at pornography.  Back about the same time my buddy got PONG, we found some dirty magazines in the woods behind our house.  They were from Europe so were pretty graphic.  I can still recall some of those images even though it was 40 years ago.  I heard one speaker say that porn images are particularly damaging to men because the images "sear" onto your brain and can stay there for life.  Of course, back in 1971 even if we 8 year old boys WANTED to get hold of some more porn, we had no way to make that possible.  It was a very isolated thing that I had heard ONLY existed on Hennepin Avenue in downtown Minneapolis.

Now fast forward to today...with a laptop streaming porn and a television with Nintendo in EVERY American boy's (and man's) bedroom.

(CNN) -- Is the overuse of video games and pervasiveness of online porn causing the demise of guys?

Increasingly, researchers say yes, as young men become hooked on arousal, sacrificing their schoolwork and relationships in the pursuit of getting a tech-based buzz.

Every compulsive gambler, alcoholic or drug addict will tell you that they want increasingly more of a game or drink or drug in order to get the same quality of buzz.

Video game and porn addictions are different. They are "arousal addictions," where the attraction is in the novelty, the variety or the surprise factor of the content. Sameness is soon habituated; newness heightens excitement. In traditional drug arousal, conversely, addicts want more of the same cocaine or heroin or favorite food.

The consequences could be dramatic: The excessive use of video games and online porn in pursuit of the next thing is creating a generation of risk-averse guys who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school and employment.

A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that "regular porn users are more likely to report depression and poor physical health than nonusers are. ... The reason is that porn may start a cycle of isolation. ... Porn may become a substitute for healthy face-to-face interactions, social or sexual."

Similarly, video games also go wrong when the person playing them is desensitized to reality and real-life interactions with others.

Violence in video games is often synonymous with success. Children with more of a propensity for aggression are more attracted to violent video media, but violent media, in turn, can also make them more aggressive. This could be related to the fact that most video games reward players for violent acts, often permitting them to move to the next level in a game.

Less extreme cases of arousal addiction may go unnoticed or be diagnosed as an attention or mood disorder. But we are in a national, and perhaps global, Guy Disaster Mode that needs to be noticed and solutions advanced to fix a totally novel phenomenon, which will only increase in intensity and breadth without the concerted efforts of educators, gamemakers, parents, guys and gals.

It's time to press play and get started reversing these trends.

Yeah...right....let's reverse those trends!!  Of course the author has NO IDEA and NO ANSWERS on how to reverse those trends.  He just points out the problem and then offers no solution.

You know why??  Because there is no solution that man will come up with.  The genie is out of the bottle...Pandora is out of the box....there is simply no going back and returning to the days of PONG and soft core porn like PLAYBOY of the 1960's. 

Game makers know they HAVE to come up with more violent and more intense games to keep the fantasy buzz going.  Porn makers know they HAVE to come up with new content that is more extreme, more perverted, more interactive.

And they will because there is a lot of money to be had to those who come up with the next best thing.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind."

Yes...God said that so Satan wants it.  The battleground of mankind is in the mind...and it appears that Satan has successfully planted himself in the minds of MILLIONS of men who he is now systematically dragging to a place they really shouldn't go.

Only the Holy Spirit can help us now...and how many are calling on the Lord to save them from this downward spiral into fantasy land?  How long can a society last when the Godly men are few and far between?

I believe we are about to find out.

Hat tip to Lowell E.

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