
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mormon and Islam are Fastest Growing Religions

Galatians 1:8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! did Muhammad claim that he was told all of his information to start his new religion...even though the Gospel of Jesus Christ had been preached for over 700 years before Islam was invented? are ANGEL told him how to start his new religion. did Joseph Smith claim that he received all of his information to start his new religion of Mormonism...even though the Gospel of Jesus Christ had been preached for over 1800 years? are ANGEL told him all this stuff about polygamy and golden tablets.

So Apostle Paul (Word of God) would say that these two religions should be under God's curse.

Is it any wonder that these two religions are the fastest growing religions in the USA?

Nationwide, the honor of the nation's fastest-growing religion, when compared to 2000 data, belongs to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Both mainline Protestants and Catholics are increasingly losing ground to the increasing numbers of Mormons and Muslims.

According to the report, Mormons are the fastest-growing religious group in 26 states and have reported 2 million new adherents in 295 counties over the past decade. Muslims have gained 1 million new adherents in 197 counties -- up from 1 million in 2000 to 2.6 million in 2010.

Growth in the American Muslim population is due to a number of factors, according to researchers, including growth in suburban areas, an increased willingness by Muslims in the States to stand and be counted, and more mosques being built to serve more worshippers.


Also take note of the fact that Detroit has turned into one of the most impoverished, lowest value real estate cities in America....and you can now hear Islamic call to prayers while in many places in Detroit as the minarets from the top of Mosques blare out the call.

And now take note that Illinois has one of the worst financial conditions of any state in America...and notice this recent fact from the same article;

Meanwhile, Muslims have now become the state's fastest growing and third-largest group among 176 religious traditions, the Chicago Tribune reports.

Is there a connection between what happens in places where the Holy Spirit is driven out and replaced by adherents to "doctrines of demons"?  Maybe??

Of course, Utah is loaded with Mormons and they are a VERY civilized state with pretty high income and real estate we will need to watch and see what happens to the places that are over run by Muslims and Mormons....the Muslims seem to bring poverty and squalor when they show up...but the verdict is out on the Mormons.

"You are either for me or against me," said Jesus.  And of course NEITHER of these religions is helping to draw people close to the Jesus Christ that Paul and the disciples they are serving to scatter are working AGAINST Jesus.

Sure is interesting that these two religions were cited as the fastest growing...must be another "Sign of the times."

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