
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Crushed Up Babies in a Capsule

Just when you think you have heard it we have this news coming at us from Asia.

The dried flesh of dead infants appears to be the not-so-secret ingredient in a health supplement that is reportedly being smuggled out of China.

The performance-enhancement pills, touted for increasing vitality and sex drive, have been found in the luggage of tourists and in international mail, according to South Korean authorities.

They said they had confiscated nearly 17,500 of the human flesh capsules since last August, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

South Korean authorities warned that the pills could be dangerous to human health.


Of course we all know that China has a law that only allows one child per couple.  So when a daughter is born many will just tell the midwife to "take care of it" which means she either breaks the baby's neck or simply sets it outside the back door to die from exposure.

Is it possible they have sold some of these little girl babies to be put into these pills?

Can there be any doubt that human beings are all born as "children of the devil"?  What kind of race of beings would grind up babies and put them into a capsule and eat them....hoping they could get an erection out of it?

I sure pray we are in the Last Days...because I'm just not sure how people can get any worse than they already are.  When will God say, "Enough!"

1 comment:

  1. I can see it even now. Israel will sacrifice an animal and the world will go ballistic and go after the Jews. The world kills babies and it's a right of the mother??? It's messed up.
