
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Europe is Looking for a Dictator

The book of Daniel hints that the Antichrist will be coming out of the revived Roman empire...which most likely means Europe.

2 Thessalonians clearly says that the Antichrist will not be "revealed" until the restraining power of the Holy Spirit is removed from earth in the rapture of the church.  SO.....those of us with the Holy Spirit will not ever KNOW FOR SURE who the Antichrist is because we will be gone on our honeymoon trip with Jesus Christ while he is being revealed to those folks who are left behind.

BUT....we can see all the signs leading to the fact that the ground is being readied to receive this Satanic leader.

And today we have this as further evidence that the world is YEARNING for someone to save the world from a shipwreck...and that Europe may try to install a dictator.

With escalating fears regarding the stability of the eurozone, today King World News interviewed former LBMA commodities broker and trader and current MEP Nigel Farage to get his take on the situation. Farage told KWN he believes there will be an attempt, within months, to install a dictatorship in Europe. Here is what Farage had to say about the deteriorating situation: “Frankly, the whole thing is falling apart. And in the middle of all of this, Mrs Merkel came out and said, ‘The fiscal treaty cannot be renegotiated, and it must hold.’ So, I suppose, for once, we’ve got the Germans providing the humor, because this thing isn’t going to hold.”

“I now believe the euro and the whole euro system are now in, by far, the deepest crisis that we’ve seen. We are in totally uncharted, chaotic territory. In some ways the ball is very much on the German side of the court. If they are unable to impose the discipline they thought this new Compact Treaty would give them, then maybe it’s the Germans that say, ‘Right, Greece you’ve got to leave.’ We know once Greece leaves, the dominoes start to fall.
To say that it’s a total mess is entirely accurate. You cannot have national democracy and this new form of economic and political government. We’ve seen these guys do some terrible things. I mean they’ve gotten rid of elected Prime Ministers in Greece and Italy. 
But they cannot at the moment, without imposing a total dictatorship, stop general elections from taking place in countries....

What these guys in the EU are going to try to do is, as this crisis gets worse and descends, there will be an attempt at some point in the next few months for them to set up something that will be very like a dictatorship. I’m not sure now, with the public mood, that they will get away with it ... the similarities (to the 30s) are really rather chilling.”

Holy chilling news!!  A dictator in Europe in the next few months?!  That will really shake things up.  Remember that Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany post WWI because he promised the German people a way out of their disastrous financial predicament...and Adolf went on to devise a scheme that killed 1/3 of the earth's Jews.

The Bible says that when the final dictator (Antichrist) comes on scene he will broker a peace agreement between Israel and it's enemies.  This action will start the clock ticking on the FINAL SEVEN YEARS of earth as we know it.  Christ's 2nd advent will be the event that ends it...and ushers in the age of the Millennium where the earth is remade and it will be a Garden of Eden once again.

But the Bible also says that this Antichrist will sit in the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem (soon to be built?) and declare himself to be God 3 1/2 years into that peace agreement he brokered for the Jews.

Jesus tells the Jews who are left behind (Matthew 24) that when they see this....RUN FOR THE HILLS!!

The Bible then goes on to tell us that the Antichrist will end up killing 2/3 of the earth's Jews.

My heart breaks for those that I know who may be left behind.  My heart is sad to know what is coming again for the Jews who have rejected Messiah....but then these feelings war with my excitement and anticipation that OUR KING IS COMING!! 

Can you hear him pounding in the last nails on our mansions in heaven...waiting patiently for his Father to say, "'s go and fetch your bride."

What a day....glorious day...that will be!

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