
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Damascus Heads Towards Civil War

A huge explosion just happened in Damascus which has killed over 50 people and wounded hundreds.

More than 50 people are dead and some 370 wounded after a pair of massive bombs exploded during the morning rush hour near a military intelligence building in Damascus, the deadliest attack since the Syrian uprising began 14 months ago.

The blast fuelled fears of an expanding Islamic militant element among the forces seeking to oust President Bashar al-Assad and dealt a further blow to international efforts to end the bloodshed, including the United Nations mission to monitor a fraying ceasefire.


Remember that if Assad ever feels that he is going to lose his grip on power that he has promised he will launch all his missiles at Israel.

Also remember that Isaiah clearly tells us that one day Damascus will get blown to smithereens...and it will be such a toxic explosion that Damascus will never be inhabited again.

How close are we to seeing this 2800 year old prophecy being fulfilled?

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