
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Israel Forming a "War Government"

Israel just formed the strongest government in the nation's history.

The Arabs believe they have formed a government that is planning on going to war.

Newspapers across the Arab world could not ignore Israel's political drama and the declaration of a unity government on Tuesday. Benjamin Netanyahu and Shaul Mofaz were described as conniving war mongers and corrupt politicians as editorials declared war was looming.

"Netanyahu is forming a war government," al-Quds al-Arabi's headline cried. "No one knows what goes on through the mind of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on many regional issues these days. One can predict that this man is scheming and planning wars after murdering the peace process with the settlement policy in the occupied Arab territories," the London-based paper said.


One thing we know for sure....the rumors of war all over the world are at a fevered pitch.

"There will be wars and rumors of war..."  said Jesus.

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