
Friday, May 11, 2012

EU Titanic Has Hit the Iceberg

I believe historians will look back at the European Union experiment and say, "How could we have ever thought that would work?"

You see, people won't fight in wars and be willing to die for the IDEA of the European Common Union.  However, Greeks WILL die Greece, and Italians WILL die for Italy, etc...

People are tribal and clan-like by nature...and when stress and hardship come, we will gather around our tribe and work together to defend it and/or advance it.  History shows us this.

So what's going to happen in Europe?  The seperate tribes of Europe will start to gather themselves together...and as unrest, violence and hardship begin to spread across the continent, one tribe will start pointing fingers at another tribe and harsh words and threats will soon lead to tribal violence and almost certainly it will lead to war.  What kind of war or how large of war is really anyone's guess.

Remember 1932 in Germany?  The Germans were willing to follow anyone who blamed their problems on someone else and promised them that order would be restored out of chaos.  Also they wanted someone to pat their egos and tell them what a wonderful tribe they actually were....because they had been feeling pretty poorly about themselves for the past decade after losing WWI.

I think you remember the rest of the story.....Hitler became that man they were willing to follow.

In one of his most passionate speeches (which says a lot), UKIP's Nigel Farage, on the May 9th celebration of the Euro, tells his European Parliament colleagues of his grave concern at the recent elections - which are very reminiscent of the elections in Germany in 1932. He warns that Europe faces the very real prospect of mass civil unrest and even revolution as the Euro project itself could even be the cause of (in it perfect irony as the initial solution to) a rebirth of national socialism in Europe. Farage pulls no punches but in three minutes provides a clear picture of just how concerned anyone who is not merely a head-in-the-sand status-quo muddle-through'er should be with regards Europe: "It is a European union of economic failure, of mass unemployment, and of low growth"

Watch Nigel's passionate speech as he warns Europe that unrest is coming;

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