Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The End of Monogamy?

Since our President has now said gay marriage should be allowed in society...who long will it be before polygamy is welcomed in?   As I reflect on my cows in the backyard, I have one bull who is having sex with all 20 it could be argued that nature is AGAINST monogamy.  Who came up with the lousy idea that one man has to confine his affections to one woman?

Now watch this video from ABC NIGHTLINE that is titled "The End of Monogamy."

In it they show a bunch of twenty-something couples who are all in the habit of having sex with complete strangers. 


Remember friends...societies collapse from WITHIN much more often than they collapse from the outside.

God's plan from the beginning was one man with one woman who then went about raising Godly children who would go on to raise their own Godly families.

It has been Satan all along who has been saying, "Did God REALLY say that?  Did God REALLY expect a handsome dude like you to only have sex with one old lady?"

And we now may already have an entire generation that is ready to throw in the towel on God's plan.


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