
Friday, May 25, 2012

Europe; No Plan and No Time

It certainly seems like Europe's fate is sealed.  It will come apart and it will be painful.  They don't want austerity and they will hope to kick the can down the road a few more weeks and hopefully make plans of how to minimize anarchy and war when it does come apart.

The article below is from the Wall Street Journal;

There have been two main responses to the crisis: austerity, and kicking cans down roads. Austerity, in case you haven’t noticed, is so last year. It’s out. Which means that unless something else is found, some other comprehensive plan, the other main response, can kicking, is going to run out of road.

Just about everybody backed the idea of eurobonds, except for the Germans, and since they’re the ones with all the money, they’re kind of the only ones whose vote counts anyway. So, it’s time to go to plan B. Only there’s no Plan B, and there’s no time, either.

This crisis was ultimately going to resolve itself in one of two ways: the Continent was either going to form a United States of Europe, or the euro experiment was going to fail. It appears to be going in the latter direction.

We’re finally coming to the moment of truth, the end game, the final countdown, if you will. After three years of incessant babbling and delay, it’s a nice, if scary, change.


Yes, change is always scary....but I agree with the author...after years of babbling and can kicking, let's just get on with it already.  Let's quit pretending that Greece, Italy and Spain are going to come up with some great idea to GROW THEIR WAY out of the fiasco.  It ain't gonna the author says, they are simply too far gone already.

Now...what about America?  Will we be able to GROW our way out of our financial fiasco?  Will we accept austerity when it comes knocking on our door?

Don't hold your breath.  Humans are humans no matter where they are in the world...and we simply don't like to take stinky medicine to cure what ails us.

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