
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Surprise! Iran Lied Again

Holy shocker!!  We were just all jumping around celebrating that Iran had finally seen the light and had invited the 6 major nations on earth to come talk to them about their nuclear ambitions and what the world can do to make sure Iran isn't cooking nuclear weapons.

And now just a few short days into it....Iran says they are done talking.  Dang it!!  We were so hopeful that THIS TIME they were serious about doing something constructive...and not simply playing us like a pawn to buy time to further their nuke cooking.

I guess you simply can't trust a Shi'ite Muslim government...who is allowed to lie if it furthers their own position and advances the Islamic Caliphate.

Iran on Thursday rejected the proposal from the P5+1 in talks over its controversial nuclear program.

Tehran and the P5+1 – the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany – were in the second day of talks in Baghdad seeking to resolve international concerns over Iran's nuclear program.

Iran criticized the proposal from the six-nation group, saying it makes too many demands of Iran while offering too little in return. Namely, Iran has said the only way forward in talks is the easing of sanctions on its vital oil industry.

Western powers rebuffed Tehran's call for an immediate easing of economic sanctions, saying they will not give up their key lever in negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

In turn, Iran accused world powers Thursday of creating a “difficult atmosphere” with its demands.
The P5+1 plan reportedly called on Iran to halt enrichment past 3.5%, ship its stores of 20% enriched uranium out of the country, and shut down its heavily fortified Fordow enrichment facility.


I wonder how many extra weeks this last charade gave Iran to move more of it's nuclear weapons program underground...thereby making it all the more difficult for Western powers, and Israel, to destroy?


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Yep, that is part of the game.

    Have a peek at this one.

    Israel Hayom - Iran 'committed to Israel's annihilation,' says top general

    When will the west get that they mean what they say.



  2. Do our leaders seriously not understand that Iran does not want peace and that they want to start nuclear war to release their "madi (excuse the spelling)"? Iran's president has been quite clear about this. It should be on the news every night but our leaders and media want to cover it up- they apparently want Iran to start nuclear war too. With friends like this, who needs enemys?
