
Thursday, May 24, 2012

U.S. Faces Sudden Collapse

Many of you probably are signed up for author Joel Rosenberg's Flash Traffic email service.  If you aren't, I would suggest you Google is and sign up for free. 

In the email I just recieved this morning he talks about a U.S. Senator saying we face sudden collapse because of our debt.

"America today faces one of the greatest threats to its existence since our founding," writes U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, in his chilling book, The Debt Bomb. "The threat does not come from any foreign army or terrorist network, but from our own government and its unsustainable spending. If we don't change course in the near future - most likely the next two years - America as we've known it could soon be a shell of its former self. We could face a sudden economic collapse worse than the Great Depression, or we could enter an era of managed decline and waning influence."

Rosenberg then goes on to say this;

I'll be honest, I am deeply and increasingly concerned about the very real possibility that God will allow America's economy and society and collapse. It's by no means a foregone conclusion, of course. We've seen God rescue our country from the brink before, especially during the Great Awakening of the early 1700s and the Second Great Awakening of the early 1800s. I'm praying earnestly for a Third Great Awakening to come soon, and in the book -- and the simulcast -- I'll describe why I believe we desperately need such a powerful, sweeping move of God. But my concern is that if the Church doesn't wake up soon, and if America does not repent and plead with God for forgiveness and mercy soon, the Lord may very well remove His hand of grace from us in the not-too-distant future.

So let's all ask ourselves...what are WE doing to further some type of Great Awakening?  We all know that the U.S. is suffering from a famine, not of food or water but a famine of the Word of God.  No one knows it and no one seems to care.  What are we doing to encourage others to seek God and the salvation that Jesus offers?

I agree with Joel...if we don't get this country to wake up soon and get a healthy dose of FEAR for Almighty God....we are going to implode.

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