
Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Love and Inclusion"

The Catholic church has been pretty vocal in it's defense of marriage being defined as "one man and one woman."  But there are now 80 ex-priests from the Minneapolis-St Paul diocese who are appear to be going against what the Catholic church is saying.

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is getting no help from 80 ex-priests. Sasha Aslainian at MPR reports: "A group of 80 former Catholic priests on Thursday announced their opposition to the constitutional marriage amendment. The November ballot measure would define marriage as between one man and one woman, and is strongly supported by the Catholic Church. John Estrem, a former rector at the Cathedral of St. Paul who went on to head Catholic Charities, said the Church he knows is about love and inclusion. ‘As a Catholic and former priest, I encourage all to vote no on this amendment,’ Estrem said. ‘Enshrining discrimination does not promote marriage. It simply diminishes us all.’ ”


Interesting...the Church he knows is about love and inclusion...I thought the Gospel was about sin, repentance, forgiveness and salvation?

Oh well...I guess we can pretty much make up anything we want it to be.  Whatever makes US feel good is what we want from OUR CHURCH. 

Hey Mr. Estrem....if I want to marry my pet chimp who I happen to be having sexual relations with....can you love and include me in your church's marriage statement??   Bongo and me are so sick of people telling us that we are wrong in our love for each other and saying that our relationship isn't "normal."  How could anything that feels so right possible be wrong?

Hey Mr. Estrem....I'm bisexual and I am in love with, and having sex with, a wonderful man AND a wonderful woman.  All three of us want to get married and start having and adopting kids.  Isn't that wonderful!!!  I am so happy that your church is going to love and include us in our marriage choices.  We are simply sick of people telling us that what we want isn't normal.  If it makes us could anything be wrong with our behavior?

How tragic?....I think lots of folks are going to be sadly surprised when they find out that they never had the Holy Spirit in them.  If they did they wouldn't be trying to satisfy and gratify every natural urge that comes across their minds....and demanding that everyone else ACCEPT, SUPPORT AND EMBRACE every perverse thought that comes to their mind.

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