
Friday, May 18, 2012

Obama Born in Kenya?? Really??

This whole subject of Obama being born in Kenya simply will not die.  Now with the Sheriff in AZ on the cold case demanding that some of Obama's documents appear to be fraudulent...and AZ election official is threatening to keep Obama off the ballot in November unless more proof of his U.S. birth is forthcoming.

A state official in Arizona has asked Hawaii for verification of the information on Barack Obama’s birth certificate, the document that Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s special investigative team has concluded may be a forgery.

You think things are interesting now....just wait and see what would happen if enough proof comes out to show Obama was actually born in Kenya and then was quickly put on a plane to Hawaii and made to look like he was born there.

If Obama can't run or is forced to step down as POTUS, you will see race riots that put the Trayvon Martin and Rodney King uprisings to shame.

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