Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"Western Education is a Sin"

While many of us Christians in America were in church on Sunday morning, sitting in our theartre seats, sipping coffee and being treated to some wonderful music piped through state of the art electronic systems....our brother and sisters in Nigeria were being butchered.

KANO, Nigeria— (TCSM) An early morning attack on a Christian church service in northern Nigeria left at least 16 people dead. The attack follows a string of violent incidents against Christians in the predominantly Muslim north.
Gunmen on motorcycles stormed Bayero
University spokesperson Alhaji Mustapha Zahradeen said seven people were killed. Eyewitness, however, said rescue operators have removed at least 18 dead bodies.

Security officials suspect Boko Haram, an Islamist insurgent outfit, carried out the attack. The group, whose name means "Western education is a sin," issued a statement last month warning that they will attack schools. Boko Haram has been blamed for killing more than 1,000 people since 2009 in its bid to overthrow Nigeria's secular government and establish Islamic sharia law nationwide.

Here;  http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0412/nigeria_bombing.php3

So we learned something new today...Boko Haram actually means, "Western education is a sin." 

That certainly would explain why so many fundamentalist Muslims can't read or write...it also would explain why they haven't added one single positve thing to advancing society or civilization.  They want to take the world to a place where the Koran is the final law, where women can be beat for sassing their husbands or refusing them sex, where women are ignorant slaves and can never be taught to read and where the men can have multiple wives.  Sounds like a brutal man's utopia!!

Persecution is increasing worldwide, friends.  I sure hope and pray that Jesus isn't disgusted with the money that U.S. churches have spent to make ourselves comfortable...while totally ignoring (and ignorant of) the trouble and discomfort that has already come for our brothers and sisters all over Africa and Asia.


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