
Thursday, June 21, 2012

100+ Rockets Fired Into Israel

I wonder where the United Nations is when it comes to condemning these attacks by angry Muslims on Israeli civilians?

Oh yeah....the UN won't say a word until Israel retaliates and uses "unequal violence" against the Arab aggressors.

On Wednesday, some 70 rockets were fired by Gaza Arab terrorists at Israeli targets. On Wednesday night, before the declaration of the cease fire, a rocket exploded in the Ashkelon area. No one was injured, and no damage was reported in that attack. An additional rocket fired at the area triggered the Red Alert warning system.

Classes in towns in southern Israel, including in Ashkelon, were cancelled Thursday. Residents in the area were warned to remain on alert for the Color Red warnings, which, defense officials said, could come at any time of day or night.

Earlier, IAF aircraft struck seven terror sites in Gaza overnight Tuesday and early Wednesday morning. Hits were confirmed and all aircraft returned safely to their airbases.


Remember when you were little kids and your brother would punch you in the arm and then you would punch him back a little harder?  Then he would punch you even harder in return?  This little tit-for-tat would continue until the little brother (me) would start to cry because he hit me "too hard!"

It would be at this point when I would get so mad that I would come swinging and kicking at my big brother hoping to inflict so much damage that my mother wouldn't recognize him.  Of course I was never capable of inflicting the damage that I dreamed that I would.

This Israel-Palestinian thing is kinda like that......excep real people are going to die.

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