
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quake Rocks Australia

There are so many earthquakes going on that we simply have quit posting about all of them.  But today we have in interesting one hitting Victoria, Australia....because they haven't had one in over 100 years!

It was the biggest earthquake to hit Victoria in more than a century and millions felt it when it struck just before 9pm (AEST) for about 30 to 40 seconds on Tuesday.

Reports started coming in from residents in suburban Melbourne and then spread to the northeast and southeast of the state.

Windows were rattled, floors rocked and roofs shook as the quake struck at about 8.55pm.

The Geoscience Australia website was in meltdown as people flocked online to find out what occurred and Twitter went wild.

When Geoscience was able to restore its site it had the news that the quake that rocked Victoria was the biggest in the state for 109 years.

Geoscience reported the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.3, down from their earlier estimate of 5.5.

"I've been here for 44 years and never felt anything like it."

He said the quake lasted for around 20 to 30 seconds "but it felt like a lifetime".


Yep...earthquakes in various places....seems about right that they are now happening in strange places that aren't usually used to experiencing quakes.

I wonder if this will wake some more people up?....I hope so, but I'm not holding my breath.

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