
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Russia and Iran to Hold Massive War Games

Yes, it IS pretty interesting that Ezekiel 38 calls for a military coalition of Russia and Persia (Iran) that will form in the Last Days and plan an attack on Israel...and that yesterday Russia, Iran, Syria and China have just announced a massive war game they have planned.

“Iran, Russia, China and Syria will hold the Middle East’s largest ever war game, Iranian news outlets reported quoting unnamed sources,” reports the Jerusalem Post. “According to the report, 90,000 troops, 400 warplanes and 1,000 tanks from the four countries will take part in land and sea exercises. The war games will feature Russian atomic submarines, according to Iranian media, as well as warships, aircraft carriers and mine-clearing destroyers. Semi-official Iranian FARS news agency stated that the exercise was being planned in coordination with Egypt, which recently acceded to grant the passage of 12 Chinese warships through the Suez Canal. The report stated that the Chinese naval convoy is due to dock in Syrian harbors within the next two weeks. Regarding the timing of the planned exercise, FARS quoted unnamed Syrian officials as saying the war game would be held ‘soon’….”

See Rosenberg's blog here;

Things are moving fast we all know where our Foundation is?  If the security of familiar things begins to shake...have we built our houses on The Rock?

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