
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Huge Cloud in China

A huge thunderhead-mushroom cloud over Beijing has sparked lots of comments there about the 'end of the world'.

To the untrained eye, it could have been the first signal of the end of the world as nuclear war broke out.

But instead of anything sinister, the giant mushroom cloud spotted in the skies over the Chinese capital last week was simply a brilliant showcase of the wonder of nature.

The huge cloud, which appeared on Thursday, gradually took the shape of an explosion from an atomic bomb.

Read more:

Yes, God does clearly reveal Himself through His creation.  Romans tells us that no man will have an excuse when they stand before God...because His awesome power has been shown through observing nature.

As you look at these pictures and realize that Beijing has a very small population of Christ sure makes one wonder if God isn't ramping up evidence of His amazing creation in hopes that many will turn to Him in these Last Days...that none should perish.

He certainly is a merciful God, but how much longer will He delay justice for this sinful, Satanic planet...where man does anything he sees fit and feels he is accountable to no one?

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