
Monday, June 18, 2012

What Happened in Greece?

It appears some "good news" came out of the Greek elections yesterday.  The majority of voters voted to elect the party that wants to keep Greece IN the Eurozone...meaning they voted to continue the pain of paying back loans by enacting sweeping budget cuts...which are very painful.

But does this change anything really?  Will this stop the outflow of cash that is leaving the banks?  Will they be able to turn around their economy quickly enough so that the pain of austerity will begin to lessen in the near future?...or did this simply delay the inevitable for a few more weeks or months?

Simply put, Europe is a financial mess...and Greece is simply the tip of the problem.

FRANKFURT — After Greek elections eased fears that the country’s exit from the euro zone was imminent, attention turned Monday to another unruly political arena: Europe itself.

A respite from market pressure early Monday proved to be short-lived, as investors shifted their attention from political infighting in Athens to the larger question of whether European leaders could find a more lasting solution to an economic debacle now well into its third year.

As heads of E.U. member governments prepare to meet next week in Brussels, they contemplate a growing list of problems. They must keep Greece on life support, carry out a rescue of Spanish banks, and prevent the crisis from infecting Italy. At the same time, they are embarking on a contentious and potentially drawn-out struggle to re-engineer a euro currency union whose weaknesses have allowed all these problems to accumulate.
“We are still in a crisis of confidence,” said Harald Benink, a professor of banking and finance at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. “Quite a few of the fundamental issues have not been resolved.” thing we are watching for is movement towards some type of government in Europe that has 10 kings, or 10 nations....which may mean that what comes out of the Euro mess will be 10 nations with authority.

Why?  Because the prophet Daniel saw a vision of the days ruled by the Antichrist and he spoke of 10 rulers coming out of the revived Roman Empire...which most likely will be Europe.

"The ten horns are ten kings who will come out of this kingdom.  After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones (Antichrist); he will subdue three kings.  He will speak against the Most High and oppress the saints and try to change the set times and the laws."  Daniel 7:24


  1. This story caught my eye due to the first sentance...

    "As we edge closer to a cashless society, some consumers are quietly challenging the idea of money in the first place -- by giving it up completely."

  2. Hi Dennis, Thanks for your Great postings & webpage! Found it via link from Hedies webpage of Olive Tree ministeries. I am a Last Days watcher from Montevideo MN. MARANATHA Ron Garbe.

  3. Hi Ron,
    thanks for your encouragement! I couldn't agree more with your 'Maranatha' comment! Yes, Lord, please come quickly.
