
Monday, June 18, 2012

Showdown Coming for Egypt?

Egypt is most definitely a country to watch.  They are a named player in as yet unfulfilled biblical prophecies and of course they are right on the border to Israel.

Today we have info coming that a tussle may be soon coming between the military and Islamists.

The candidate's Muslim Brotherhood, which had representatives at polling stations across the country during the overnight count, has claimed that its candidate won 52% of the vote compared to 48% for his rival, former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq.

"I'm very, very happy," said Muhammad, a Mursi supporter. "The Brotherhood proved to be a successful political group. They will help us get jobs and we will see Islamic law."

The Shafiq campaign criticised the Islamist group for its victory announcement, saying it represented "bizarre behaviour" ahead of any official confirmation of the final result.


So a big chunk of Egyptian voters want the Muslim Brotherhood to rule the country with Islamic law.  Wow...that ought to go well.

But the military, who has the guns and tanks, is pretty positive it doesn't want a bunch of Islamists running the country.

Sounds like the Arab Spring isn't quite done in Egypt.

Israel must be watching all this news with a keen eye.

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