
Friday, June 29, 2012

Are Turkey and Syria Headed for War?

Turkey has moved a ton of battle tanks and big guns to the Syrian border.  Syria is now moving a ton of tanks to the Turkish border.  So could war be coming?

Let's remember that Muslims don't like other Muslims.  In fact more Muslims have been killed by other Muslims more than any other group.  Let's also remember that there are Shiites, Sunnis, Allawites, Wahabis and other sects as well...and the one group believe the others are all apostates.  The ONLY thing that binds them together is their hatred towards Israel...the descendants of Isaac.

Genesis tells us right up front that the descendants of Ishmael will be a wild ass bunch of folks and their hands will be raised against each other til the Lord returns.

Let's also remember that Syria is a named player in Psalm 83 war but that they are NOT named in the coalition of Ezekiel 38...which is made up of Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya and some other North African countries.

So Turkey and Syria could most definately come to blows and this would NOT be a surprise to prophecy watchers.

Is it a coincidence that, on the same day Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Syria a "rogue state," he had his picture taken in the cockpit of a jet?

Conceivably. The photo-op was a presumably long-scheduled promotion for Turkish Aerospace Industries. Still, here in Instanbul the juxtaposition did not go unnoticed. The front page above--from the Daily News, the English-language counterpart to Hurriyet--was typical of Turkish newspapers today. And for the last several days Turkish columnists have been pondering whether, after Syria's downing of a Turkish jet near the Syrian-Turkish border, the chances of war between the two countries have grown appreciably.

It's an important question, because in the event of sustained hostilities Turkey would likely become the leading edge of an invasion of Syria backed by various Arab states and Western powers, including America. And this would make it hard for Russia, which has a valuable naval base in Syria, to stand idly by.

The closest thing to a consensus here seems to be that the answer is yes, Turkey is closer to war, but only marginally.

All told, the main result of the downing of the plane was to underscore the fact that Turkey and Syria had already moved some distance toward war. Erdogan's response seems to have been designed to keep them from moving any closer, except to the extent that is required of a leader who wants to reassure his people that he's no wimp.


So the above writer believes that this is all a lot of posturing and that they have NOT moved significantly closer to war.

For the Bible reader, this confrontation between these two nations simply falls into "wars and rumors of war" as the Last Days continue to unfold.  There is no prophecy about Turkey and Syria getting into a war.

However, let's remember that if Assad gets thrown over by Turkey and it's NATO allies, then Israel may be forced to go into Syria and blow all their chemical WMD's to kingdom come...and this certainly could move us closer to the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 and the destruction of Damascus.

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